Regroup – (intransitive verb) 1 :to reorganize (as after a setback) for renewed activity (Merriam-Webster online )
This describes, exactly, what is going on at my house. At the end of January we had a family member move in with us. We live in a three bedroom home. Two of the bedrooms are used as bedrooms. The third bedroom is used as my office/sewing room. Guess which room our family member house guest got to stay in? If you guessed my office/sewing room, DING, DING, DING! You get a prize!
I didn’t get a prize. I got an unorganized mess to deal with. All of my “stuff” was moved to our finished basement, where we tripped over everything until the end of March. I have gotten very little accomplished since January.
However, our family member is back on their feet and is doing better than ever! That makes me extremely happy and I’m glad we could help! Now it is time to regroup and get to work.
Yesterday, we moved most of my office/sewing room “stuff” back into my office/sewing room. It is all together, but must be organized and put away. My DH is also happy because he is expanding his work area in the basement and needs my things out of his way. We are making progress!
As I was organizing my desk yesterday, I came across a gift my DD had given me last year. She made it and wanted me to have it. Not knowing what to do with this lovely gift, I had tucked it into some of my papers on my desk. At the time, she was four, and had made me oh so many beautiful gifts, I didn’t know where to put them. I showed DH what I had found and said, “This is why nothing I have is organized. Everything I own is intermingled with DD’s things. She either gives me things or takes my things.”

I love my gift! You should all be jealous! 😉
I am off to do all of the giggleFritz things I must get done today.
Have a fabulous Monday!
Missie S.