September 30, 2024 – St. Ann’s Holiday Gift Fair 2024!!

Hello, and happy last day of September 2024! What a beautiful, busy month it has been! DD has been in school a little over a month now, and we have been busy running to volleyball, meetings, and other fun events. I have been working on things for my shop and I will have a booth at St. Ann’s Holiday Gift Fair in Stoughton, WI once again this year. I hope to see you there!

Have a fantastic last day of September 2024!

Missie S.

August 27, 2024 – giggleFritz went on Vacation

What a busy summer! At the beginning of August we had a rummage sale. We live in a very small town in Wisconsin, however there have been years where neighbors have put on an area rummage sale. A friend, who lives in town, was moving away and asked if I knew when the area rummage was. I did not, but we did some poking around and got the yearly rummage on. That was a lot of work! We made a little money and cleaned out some parts of our houses. How cool!

A few days after the rummage sale, we went away on a family vacation. DD had been dying to fly on a plane. We flew to Las Vegas and spent time at Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, and Vegas. Flying on a plane did not disappoint! DD was so excited watching out the plane window. I have to admit, I still LOVE doing that too!

Grand Canyon – How do you choose just ONE picture of the Grand Canyon? Beautiful!

A Neat Dead Tree – Get a load of that blue sky!

Last Day of Vacation at the Pool – 110 degrees F

It was really great to get away for a few days before DD went back to school. DH did a great job planning this trip and making sure everything went smoothly. I am blessed beyond measure by my family and friends!

Now it’s time to get back to work and plan for the NEXT vacation!

Have a fantastic Tuesday, Friends!

Missie S.

July 16, 2024 – Late Container Potatoes

Back on July 4th, we stopped in at Stein’s Garden and Home in West Bend after dinner. I expected the yard to be pretty cleaned out because it is now later in the summer gardening season. I was looking for a white geranium and hoped they had one or two left. There was a LOT left in the yard.

We looked around at some leftover vegetables and herbs, I found a ton of geraniums, and we looked over the nursery stock. I selected a white geranium and we headed inside to pay. On the way up to the register I spotted a few bags of seed potatoes on a shelf at 90% off! I was pretty excited about that because I had been kicking myself for not trying to plant some potatoes this year. The price of everything has gone up and I should have tried for a larger garden. It’s late in the season, but we purchased the seed potatoes for under $1.00.

My garden is planted and I didn’t have space for potatoes in the ground. The plan was to throw these sprouted potatoes into containers and see what I get. I had leftover potting soil and I saved some coffee grounds. I planted seed potatoes in containers a few years ago and they turned out ok. I planted just three containers out of this bag and so far, so good!

I hope you’re all having a delightful summer!

Missie S.