I am not sure which is the busier time of year: fall or Christmas. Really, every weekend is just PACKED with activities. This weekend was busy and fun! My sister is a teacher and she was visiting for teacher conferences in Milwaukee, WI. She was gone most of the time Thursday and Friday, but we managed to visit the rest of the time. She accompanied my daughter, another sister, and me to the Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm in West Bend, WI on Saturday. My daughter is a high school student, but every year we make it to the pumpkin farm and visit the petting zoo. We really like the llamas!

We also celebrated my daughter’s birthday Saturday evening. I have edited her name from the cake for privacy. She would KILL me if I put it on the internet! 🙂

We did not get to pumpkin carving yet. Tomorrow is Halloween. I was thinking of putting on “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” on TV, and carving pumpkins, then. We have “..Great Pumpkin..” on DVD, but I like watching it on television with the rest of the world. If feels like everyone is in on the fun! I feel the same way about “White Christmas” and “It’s a Wonderful Life”. I have those too, but I like watching on TV more.
Make your Tuesday count!