Did you have a nice Christmas? I really did this year. I had a great time talking with family and friends. People gave me some very nice gifts and did not go overboard on the quantity of presents given. I feel people were happy with the gifts my family gave. My only complaint, and it is my own fault, no one but mine, I ate and drank WAY too much! I feel like I am detoxing as I write this (and when I said “drank” I meant soda and punch. I am not a big alcoholic drinker. I had a glass or two of wine, but too much soda!) I am so sorry liver and pancreas! I will behave now!
So, what is next? I know many people are still visiting with their families. My sister stayed with my family over Christmas, but she went home yesterday. I will spend time with my daughter today and tomorrow. My husband went back to work yesterday. I also am back to work sewing, crocheting, and minding the store (Inspired for You). I’m just not good at sitting still. When I do, I eat and get antsy.

What is giggleFritz working on? Sock Monkeys!!! Of Course! I have some very cute socks for Valentine sock monkeys. They should be ready before February 1st. But, not only sock monkeys. For the past six months I have been telling myself to pretty up and organize my workspace. Something always comes up or is more important to work on. No more excuses! Yesterday, I started arranging my workspace and making plans for a more organized, Zen area where I can create beautiful things! I will paint a wall, get some bookshelves, buy better office supplies, and be ready for the “come what may”. Then, I will do my taxes. No more Ditz Machine! My New Year resolution, no, my right now and always resolution, is to be more put-together. I will share some “before” and “after” photos when I am finished.
If you have some holiday time off, enjoy and relax!
If you are working today or this week, MAKE your day great!