Happy October, Everyone! Things are already looking quite busy and fun. On Saturday I mentioned to my husband I could use a trip to the store to pick up Red Heel socks for Sock Monkeys. We ended up having a “date” night with our 3-yr old. We stopped for burgers and custard and swung by the store for a few things. Well, lo and behold! A sale on Red Heel socks! THAT I have never seen! My husband was like, “Stock up!” And I’m all, “Not too much.” I left with 12 pair of socks! You know what I will be working on. 🙂

The next day husband and little one were feeling a little under the weather. We were home all day. They rested and played Go Fish. I made a little “healing food”. I took most of the last of our tomatoes from the garden and made a big pot of chili. I baked some homemade bread to go with the chili. Kind of a lot of work, but delicious!
We are all back to work and school today. Hopefully the rest of the week will be smooth sailing! (Because, yeah, it always is Lol! 😉 )
Have Fantastic Monday, All!
Missie S.