What’s the Story, Morning Glory?

What is going on in the house of giggleFritz?  Sometimes I don’t even know.   The latest and greatest news is, last week my husband and I found out I am pregnant.  This was some VERY unexpected news because we were not trying to have more children (If I haven’t mentioned before, I have a 16 year old daughter, my husband’s step-daughter).  But, lo and behold, here we are and we are very excited and awaiting our new peanut in October!

I have been trying to get ready for “It’s a Spring Thing” Craft Fair in Hartford, WI this Saturday.  I try so hard to plan ahead for my craft fairs.  I plan out my time in my “production” binder and pencil in everything that needs to be done.  I could not pencil in morning sickness due to pregnancy.  I have been very sick and tired since last Monday.  Thank the Lord I have not had the throwing up kind of morning sickness.  I am just so motion/car sick.  I drop things, I lock doors that shouldn’t be locked, I leave other doors unlocked that my husband finds (he’s got my back!), and I am such a whiny thing in the evening constantly hunting for food to eat that I haven’t already had for the day.  It’s terrible!  I have managed to get a few things done for this Saturday, mostly Sock Monkeys and Socktopus guys.

Another new thing around our house is my daughter’s new bunny, Jacob.  We had a sweet little bunny that passed away last June.  Cleo was our friend and we still miss her to this day.  My daughter has begged for a bunny for months and we kept telling her there really wasn’t time for a bunny, everyone is busy.  A friend of hers at school had to get rid of her bunny and they were going to take it to the Humane Society.  Did we want it?  Daughter has the bunny now and must take care of it.  I am not supposed to handle bunny poo pregnant.  We will see how this goes.  Jacob is a nice bunny, I’ll give him that!

The new bunny Jacob

I went to my old job at Stein Garden and Gifts and said hi to people yesterday and talked baby stuff for a little while.  It was so nice to see everyone again!  I know I will be back there soon with a bigger belly buying my plants for the balcony of our condo.  I picked up some lettuce, basil, and snapdragon seeds while I was there.  I am so excited for spring and all of the fun stuff coming up!  I just need to get through this morning sickness first.

Spring 2013 Seeds

So, I am off to get a few more things done for my Saturday craft fair.

Have a Fascinating Wednesday!

Misse 😀

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