October 22, 2023 – Happy Sunday, Everybody!

Hello All! Today is Sunday and I should be taking a day of rest. But once again I am running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, trying to get all of the things done before we begin a new week. I was about to start some laundry when I remembered I was going to post on my blog two days ago and didn’t get around to it. October is flying by and I have not stopped in once to say “hello”. So, “Hello!” 😀

Orange Dahlia in Wisconsin in October?!

This is a weird year. Sometimes it is cold and yucky like October is supposed to be. But it has also been a mild fall. So, I have orange dahlias blooming in my front yard…in October…in Wisconsin. That’s just not right.

Life is busy. I have been working a lot in my kitchen. I have been processing apples and pears into sauce and scrap vinegar. I have been cooking and baking. I have been sewing, but not as much as I should be. I have been chasing DD around to volleyball and other school activities. I have been volunteering one day a week helping with hot lunch at DD’s school. I have been playing dartball at our church and bowling with DH in a couples league. Life is good!

I hope Everyone reading this is having a fantastic Sunday, and life is good!

Enjoy your busy October!

Missie S. 😀

October 3, 2020 – Lost and Found

This morning, I met my daughter for breakfast and ran a few errands. Before I arrived for breakfast, I stopped for the mail at the Post Office. I ran in, collected my junk mail, then walked back to my truck. I walked past the Saturday morning Farmers Market and on my way I found this huge purple dahlia!

At first I walked past and thought to myself how beautiful that flower is, and how sad someone lost it. It must have been a big piece of the bouquet they bought at the farmers market. A split second later I turned around and picked up the flower.

A couple was walking far behind me. I didn’t get in their way, but I was a little embarrassed someone may have seen me retrieve this flower from the dirty sidewalk. And just like that, I pushed that thought out of my head. This flower is not ruined because it was found alone on the ground. I smiled and took my treasure to my truck. I drove happily to the restaurant.

Lost and Found – Purple Dahlia

I hope you find something beautiful today!

Missie S.